Milford Sound in New Zealand


Hey, my name is Idan Matalon and I’m 24 years old from Tel Aviv, Israel and I want peace.

Are there Palestinians who want peace as well? I’m sure there are.

Are all the people there only interested in destroying the Jewish people? I’m sure they’re not.

I’m sure they want to have careers, raise families, enjoy life, maybe even travel…

Just like us, just like the people in the south who have bee
n under constant fire for the past 12 years. We all just want to live a peaceful life and enjoy life’s precious gifts.

So the Palestinians were raised differently and consequently they chose a scary, dictatorial terror organization as their ruler. What do they know? I’ll bet the Hamas promised to feed them with a silver spoon.

But just stop for a minute and image that the Palestinian people would have a democratic, peaceful ruler. Their lives would have been completely different – better quality of life, better jobs, community development, etc. If these people would have been given even a little bit of the funds used for warfare right now, don’t you think they would flourish and prosper? Of course they would. Do you think Israel would have a reason to protect its citizens from people like that? Do you think they would have been used as human shields and would have died for nothing? Of course not!!!! And war is an ugly thing that takes the lives of innocent people on both sides!!!! We just want to live our lives in our country in peace.

And what about things right now? As long as a terror organization continues to rule the Palestinian people there can’t ever be peace! I don’t envy them… they have nothing to gain right now… It’s pure stupidity!!!

My name is Idan Matalon, I’m 24 years old and I’m not afraid to say that I’m gay, because I live in the liberal, democratic State of Israel, which is progressive and is focused on protecting its citizens and their well-being. And believe me – I want peace just like most Israelis do. So stop believing the lies of a destructive, dictatorial terror organization, because the people running it will never want peace!

Translated by: Ronli Nissim

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